New or Used Copiers

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New or Used Copiers?

When your business grows to the point that you contemplate buying a copier for regular use, you will have to decide whether to get a new or used model. Although the automatic thought might be to buy a new one and avoid problems associated with older models, there are other considerations to keep in mind, as well. Here are some of the pros and cons of whether to buy a new or used copier for company use.

Pros and Cons

1. What about cost? This will depend quite a bit on the model and its attendant features. For example, a used commercial-grade or high-end business grade copier can cost as much as a new personal-grade or low-end business-grade copier with just the basic features. You can get a new personal copier for a few hundred dollars, and a business-grade model for $2,000 or so, with higher price tags for additional features. Used copiers tend to be cheaper, of course, depending on the bells and whistles that come with them, along with their age and condition. Work on your office budget to see what you can afford, not only for an outright purchase or ongoing lease, but the maintenance and repairs that typically accompany long-term copier use.

2. Which type is more dependable? Some business owners look at used models as having been "broken in" by previous use, while others prefer to get an unused model fresh off the assembly line, figuring they would never know of any serious or persistent problems with a used model. The warranty that comes with new or used models will make a difference in the one you decide to buy. Make sure the warranty covers major repairs and replacement parts, if possible. You might even want to consider the purchase of an extended warranty on a used copier, although some experts believe these are a waste of money.

3. Will a used or a new copier supply the features you need? Older models may not have automatic two-sided copying or graphic image adjustments in one-percent increments, as many late-model copiers do. If your copying work is mainly in-house documents that will be viewed randomly rather than used frequently or sent to external readers, you may be able to rely on an older black-and-white model that prints more slowly, with fewer deluxe options. But if you plan to make tens of thousands of copies each month, send copies to high-ranking executives or customers, then you will want to purchase a high-quality copier to produce an outstanding quality of reproduction.

4. How long do you plan to use your new copier? If the one you buy now is intended for short-term use, say a year or two until the company grows, you could decide to go with a used, older model that will meet basic everyday copying needs. Then, as the company's needs soar and profits increase, you can always trade in your current model or donate it as a tax credit before purchasing the next copier, be it used or new.

Do a little browsing of available copiers to find one that suits your current business needs and prepares you for eventual growth.

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