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Credit Card Terminal Features
Acceptance of debit cards is one of the most desirable features of any credit card terminal. This requires a way for customers to enter their personal identification numbers (PIN). You can use a terminal that allows customers to swipe their own cards and enter their PINs on the keypad, or you can choose models that come with separate PIN pads. These separate pads allow you to keep the terminal behind the counter, but still give customers the ability to type in their own code.
Gift Cards and EBT
Many credit card terminals are also equipped with the ability to accept and issue gift cards. This is a desirable characteristic that you should check for if your business makes use of gift cards (re-loadable or not). Other alternate forms of payment, such as use of an ATM card or an electronic bank transfer (EBT) can also be found on terminals. Not all credit card terminals offer these options, however, so you should carefully consider how often these transactions occur and buy terminals that best support your customers’ needs.
Security and Update features
Address verification is a feature that cuts down on fraud. Avoiding fraud is important, as it affects your business as well as the victim. Customers are not usually held liable for fraudulent purchases, and this can result in chargebacks on merchandise bought from your business. Most terminals are equipped with address verification, which allows you to compare the customer’s ID with the credit card’s billing address.
Terminals that run with the help of internal software (most of them now) can make use of flash memory. In such terminals, it is very easy to install updates. This can help increase your terminal’s operating life.
Finally, reliability is a feature that most credit card terminals possess. You can get between two and four million transactions out of a credit card terminal before it begins to wear out. Many terminals come with one-year warranties; though you probably won’t need it, a warranty is not a bad idea, just in case you happen to have a faulty unit.
*Note that any credit card terminal is compatible with any merchant account. Your account provider may try to push its terminal on you, but rest assured that if you do not like the terminals offered by your provider that you can purchase elsewhere and still have all the same transaction power.